Saturday, May 16, 2020

Meaning Of GURU ( गुरु का अर्थ ) In English

Guru says sleep, do it,

Where there is man there is no satisfaction. Where there is man there is sorrow and sadness. And where the man sees the hope of fulfillment, the other edge will be able to find a shadow in the mist far away, it is difficult to decide. It is also difficult to decide.

There is no happiness on this shore. There is hope on that shore, but how to reach that shore will have to find Majhi. You need someone who is on the other side who has come across that who has tasted satisfaction who has lived in the air of salvation. Need a satsang of someone free. Guru has so much meaning.

Guru means: even though this shore, which is not this shore. Even though this shore is proof of that edge. Despite being on this shore, who actually stays on that side. Is among you, is like you, yet not among you. Still not like you.

Guru means where something unique has happened. Where the seeds have become flowers, not just seeds. Where the possibility has become real where the last floor of man has been completed where man has attained his own abjectness.

Guru means your future. Guru means someone who has become someone you can be. Traveling is not possible without holding his hand. There is a possibility of going astray without holding his hand and not reaching.

Today's sutras are important - all seekers for all seekers.

Guru says sleep, do it so that you are there.
Hear this lesson of Charandas.

It is a very unique word and it is such a promise not to be completely understood. If understood, then a large amount of wealth started.

"Guru says, do sleep, so do you"

Looks like the opposite. Generally, we will think as the teacher does. But Charandas says, do whatever the teacher says, not do what you do. Why because what the Guru is doing is his spirit. The act of a guru is an act on the other side. You will not be able to live as the Guru is doing as he is living. If you want to live like that then you will get into trouble. Either hypocrisy will start acting because what is not your instinct will be how you behave

Do not try to do like a teacher. The same will happen someday.

Mahavir is standing naked, you also stand naked. But there will be a big difference between your nakedness and Mahavira's nakedness. Your nakedness will be charged nudity. Your nakedness will be a kind of nakedness. Mahavir's nakedness is not naked. Mahavir's nudity is unmerciful. You will try to bring down the clothes. The incident with Mahavir has happened further. There was nothing to hide. Dropped clothes - there is nothing to hide. It has become like a small child. It is not nakedness, it is only the birth of maleness.

But if you try and stand up like Mahavira, then you will only be naked. And in this nakedness will be deceived. You will feel like Mahavira.

No, Mahavir will do whatever he says, not do what he does. Because what Mahavir is doing today is not from Cheshta but his innate feelings. You will do it - will be trying, force will be forced.

But it often happens that people follow the guru. The Guru starts doing what he does. The Guru does not listen to what he says. Listen to him, while doing the same, one day such a moment will come, that moment of easy revolution, that moment of samadhi, when you will be like a guru but do not do like a guru. Will definitely happen one day. Done - you will miss Do whatever the teacher says. Because when the Guru says, he keeps you in mind. And when the Guru does it he does it with ease. Understanding this distinction.

When a Guru tells you, he tells you, then you are angry. Look at where you are. Look at what will be useful for you. Whose benefit will you get? How will you change? How will you take the first step from where you stand?

The master who speaks speaks to you. Therefore, he takes care and speaks. The Guru does what he does with his nature, he does it with his samadhi. The Guru's act comes from within him. The words of the Guru come compassionately towards you. Understand this distinction well.

So the words of the Guru are meaningful for you - not the act of the Guru. Yes, if you keep following the words, then one day the acts of the Guru will also happen in you. That extraordinary moment will also come, the sun will rise in you as well. By the way, clouds will surround you. That peacock will also dance inside you. Such rain is to be fixed. But if you have already taken the wrong step, the wrong step, that is what the Guru did - then you will be missed.
