Whatever nature does, it does to protect life - In English

🔆 Saheb Bandagi 🔆

Whatever nature does, it does to protect life

anger and hatred

🔶 Blasphemy, anger and hatred are all vices, but if you remove these vices from human life, the world will become hell. This is the fear of condemnation, which works to curb the wicked. It is anger that protects justice and truth and it is hatred that suppresses hypocrisy and deceit. If there is no fear of condemnation, if there is no terror of anger, if there is no fear of hatred, then life will be chaotic and society will be destroyed. When we misuse them, then they become bad qualities, but if we misuse them, then even if mercy, compassion, praise and devotion are done, then they will become bad qualities. Blind kindness makes its character manless, blind compassion cowardly, blind praise arrogant and blind devotion cunning. Whatever nature does, it does to protect life.


Self-defense is the greatest religion of the creature and all our emotions and attitudes fulfill this purpose. Who does not know that the same poison, which can destroy lives, can also remove the crisis of lives. There is a distinction of opportunity and condition. Why does man naturally hate dirt, stench, disgusting things? Just because avoiding dirt and odors is necessary for his self-defense. In order to protect the creatures in which the feeling of hatred has not developed, nature has given them the power to sneak, take along or hide. While advancing in the field of human development, he has reached the position that he automatically becomes disgusted with harmful objects. The fierce form of hatred is fear and the refined form is conscience. These three are names of the same object, they differ only in quantity.

🔶 So hatred is a natural attitude and is created by nature for self-defense. In other words, it is a form of self-defense. If we are deprived of it, our existence will not last long. To let an object that has so much value in life loosen up, is to strike an ax in your foot. If we do not have fear, then where is the rise of courage. Rather, just as the fierce form of hatred is fear, so is the fierce form of fear courage. All that is needed is to abandon hatred and make it a conscience. This means that we should not hate individuals but hate their bad behavior. Why do we hate swindlers? Because there is deceit in it. If he abandons deceit today, our hatred will continue.

We hate the smell of alcohol coming from the mouth of an alcoholic, but after a while when his intoxication subsides and the stench from his mouth stops, our hatred also disappears. We hate to see a hypocritical priest cheating simple villagers, but if we see the same priest serving the villagers tomorrow, we will have devotion to him. The purpose of hatred is to purify it of evils. Hypocrisy, deceit, injustice, rape and other such evil tendencies will be as beneficial as the intense hatred we have inside us. With the weakening of hatred, we often fall into the same evils ourselves and start behaving in the same disgusting manner. In which there is intense hatred, he will protect himself from them even by playing on his life and only then he will risk his life in digging and throwing away their roots. Mahatma Gandhi is sacrificing his life to eradicate untouchability because he hates untouchability.

When hatred is so important in life, how can literature ignore it, which is a reflection of life itself? The human heart has been the color of Su and Ku since time immemorial and literature was created to create love in man for what is beautiful in the world and therefore good, and hatred for Ku or ugly and therefore untruthful things. . This is the main purpose of literature and art. The struggle of Ku and Su is the history of literature. Ancient literature continued to create feelings of hatred towards religion and traitors to God and feelings of reverence and devotion towards their followers.