Be a Karmayogi, but always renounce your Karma - In English
Be a Karmayogi, but always renounce your Karmaphal, it is one of the important and important lessons of Lord Krishna's life. In worldly life we see one thing is very minor but very important and like to understand. When the doer sense comes inside us and we begin to understand that I have done this deed, then we will definitely have a natural attachment to that karma. Now, not for us, it will be fruitful. Now, getting the desired fruit will remain the purpose of any karma done by us. In such a situation when the fruit will not be received by us, then surely our life will be filled with sorrow, sadness and stress. On the contrary, when we renounce the ego of our doers, we will always remain in the best deeds in the sense that he is the only God to do. My God is making me do whatever I want by making me a medium. Now there is no worry about the result. In this situation, whether the results come positive or negat...