Ayurvedic Knowledge - In English

This home remedy used by our ancestors ...

Which we forgot ..

Ayurvedic knowledge,

▪ Basil in fever cold,

Turmeric in Kakada,

Buttermilk cumin in ડાZada,

Kuwadio in Dhadhar,

Suran in hemorrhoids,

Salt in the teeth,

Wounding in worm,

Lember in the skin,

Glass in the knot,

Bafchi in white stain,

▪Khim in Shimlakanta,

millet wound in the wound,

Ashwagandha in Dubala Pana,

Ginger in poor digestion,

Nodules in insomnia,

Hing in Augus,

Lemon in anorexia,

Ambala in ACDT,

Asparagus in ulcers,

Gotli in Alai,

Coccus in abdominal pain,

Jethimadh in cough,

Mint to increase digestion,

Alovira and Jasud in Gynecology,

Ardusi in winter cough,

Eggplant in the ground,

Brahmi to increase memory,

Barley to reduce obesity,

Fennel to cleanse the kidneys,

Taw dum ma galka,

Nagoda in Uva,

Satodi in inflammation or urology,

Heat in constipation and skin disease,

Dudhi in heart disease,

Jasud to enhance the beauty of hair,

Cranj for teeth and skin,

Vaj for brain and epilepsy,

Nagar moth for fever and anorexia,

Adad for body confirmation,

Garlic for joint gas,

Roses for the eye and so on,

Scrap for hair growth,

Nutmeg for insomnia,

Turmeric to improve blood,

Cumin to reduce heat,

Radish leaves for triad,

Lemon and leaf burst for stones,

Lindy pepper for cough and asthma

Bet and Findla for hemoglobin,

Kaucha B for tremors,

Shirish B for migraine,

Kher for a bad dream,

Acacia paddies for the field,

Sahadevi for headaches,

Dodi scratches for eyes and ears,

 Use of throat and amla for diabetes

     To do ... !!

Our ancestors used to use all this ... they never had the disease of today ..

Whatever happens to the new generation ... we run to the doctor ...

Allopath took medicine .. destroyed the body's immune system ...

Let's go back to country life ... and get better health.